Shipping Policy
Shipping Charges
Shipping is free for all prepaid orders. However, there is a ₹50 cash handling fee for Cash on Delivery (COD) orders, which is non-refundable if you return your items.
Order Delivery Time
We're fast! We typically process orders within 24-48 hours because we make our own clothes and manage our stock. Delivery times depend on your location:
- Metros: Your order will arrive in 1-4 days after shipping.
- Rest of India: Your package will be there in 4-7 days after shipping.
Shipping Locations
We ship all over India. We're on a mission to clothe the entire nation.
Tracking Your Order
We'll send you an order ID by email and WhatsApp. Use that ID to track your package.
Contact Us for Further Queries
Have doubts? Ask us away on WhatsApp at 7046702094. We're happy to help.